Saturday, May 18, 2013

Let's Talk About Rebana, an Instrument Music!

Ok, the loyal readers in this part I will promote Rebana, as one of traditional instrument music from Indonesia. This is as one of corporation with Mr. Moh. Khusoyin, as a bussiness owner.

These are some Rebana that he has

On the next article I promise will share some knowledges about Rebana, from the histories until the types of Rebana.

If you want to have Rebana, you can call me at +6281806753217

Mari Kita Bicarakan Tentang Alat Musik Rebana!

Baik para pembaca setia sasando online saat ini saya akan menawarkan alat musik rebana. Ini adalah salah satu bentuk kerjasama dengan pak Moh. Khusoyin, pemilik usaha rebana tersebut.

Ini adalah beberapa contoh model rebana yang dijual tersebut.

Untuk menambah pengetahuan Anda mengenai rebana, pada artikel selanjutnya saya akan membahas mulai dariasal-usul rebana sampai pada macam-macam tipe rebana.

Jika Anda berniat memiliki rebana ini silahkan hubungi 081806753217.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Know Sasando More

What is Sasando? If you are in first time hear about Sasando, you will have many questions about it.
Sasando is a traditional music instrument from Rote, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. This is similar like guitar, but Sasando is more difficult if you play it. Sasando has many variations of strings quantity. There are that has 28 strings, 56 strings, and that we sell has 32 strings.
Sasando is from Rote language, Sasandu, means vibrating or producing sounds.

Based on Rote people, Sasando had been known since a long time ago. There are many variation stories behind this instrument. There is a man, Sangguana stranded in Ndana Island when sailing. Then he is invited to meet king. King's daughter fell in love with him because he is known can make music instruments. She asked Sangguana to make a unique music instrument. Finally, when he slept, in his dream he heard and saw there are a music instrument that produce beautiful sound. After he waked up, he imediately made a music instrument that similar to it.
The other story version is Sangguana fell in love with king's daughter and the king give him a requirementto make a unique music traditional. Then he make it based on his inspiration from his dream.

The main part of Sasando is a long tubular, made of a bamboo that coiled from top to bottom where the strings streched and rested. This Sasando tube is placed in a half circular container that made from palm leaves as the resonance.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Mengenal Sasando Lebih Dekat

Apa itu Sasando? Saya rasa masih sedikit masyarakat Indonesia yang mengenal Sasando. Baik saya akan memperkenalkan Sasando ini kepada Anda.
Silahkan simak info-info di bawah ini!

Friday, April 5, 2013

What is Sasando?

Sasando is a music instrument from Rote, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. This is played by plucking. The materials are from palm leaves, a bamboo, and strings.

This instrument is like a guitar that has strings and the electric form (use a cable that related to amplifier).

Are you interest with it?

Please write in a comment if you want to buy it!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Apa itu Sasando?

Sasando adalah alat musik tradisional dari Rote, Nusa Tenggara Timur. Alat musik ini dimainkan dengan cara dipetik. Bahan-bahannya terbuat dari daun lontar, bambu, dan dawai (senar).

Alat musik ini seperti gitar memiliki dawai (senar) dan juga sudah ada yang dalam bentuk elektrik (menggunakan kabel yang dihubungkan ke amplifier).

Apakah Anda tertarik memilikinya?

Silahkan hubungi 081806753217. Kami menjual dalam bentuk elektrik dan manual.